Key Initiatives

How we are addressing the energy challenges

The Challenges being faced in target communities

Zimbabwean rural energy status

Access to the National Electricity Grid

  • 40% of the country is covered by the national electricity grid which presents problems and challenges for rural communities
  • Lack of energy access in the rural areas leaves the communities under developed in the fields of communication, health, technology education and many more
  • It will take long deployment leads and very costly for the Zimbabwe Rural Electrification Agency to reach all rural areas

Lack Of Energy Access

  • Rural communities rely heavily on paraffin and firewood to provide for cooking and lighting energy needs
  • No night studying for rural students
  • Destruction of the environment due to deforestation

Other Challenges being faced in target communities

  • Communication challenges faced by rural communities
  • Product affordability as SHS products on the market are expensive for rural customers
  • Low household incomes in rural communities

Key Initiatives

Solar Home Solution Distribution

Initiative Details

Community Energy Distributors (CEDs) who operate in the target market and are community based, assess the energy needs and recommend products for rural customers on a PAYG or product financing using microfinance institutions 

  • Repayments are made from between 3 – 18 months depending on purchased system
  • Products are PAYG enabled and customized for the efficient use of energy and productive use
  • The benefits will include, creation of credit data for financial inclusion, clean energy access, night studying and e-learning for rural communities


  • Proof of concept to be established
  • 600+ SHS sold
  • Fundraising for scale-up operations have started
  • Impacted 10 000 communities

Energy for Agriculture (enAgro)


Project Details

Distributing a solar home system paired with a mobile phone to smallholder farmers in rural Africa.

  • Pay-as-you-go model to enable financial inclusion for small-scale farmers
  • Access to inputs
  • Access to wider markets
  • Distribution of best farming practices and tips via text to farmers to improve productivity and reduce food losses


  • 550+ farmers reached
  • Partnerships to improve ecosystem acquired
  • Fundraising to scale up operations

Study Partner

Project Details

Study Partner is an initiative that aims to provide e-learning to rural students. For e-learning to be possible, there is need for energy, mobile device and connectivity. Sun Plugged Energy will provide a mobile phone and a SHS, Online Development Academy will provide a learning platform and a mobile carrier will provide the internet service. 

  • Partnerships with schools are very important as they give access to students 
  • Target market has to be an area with mobile internet connectivity


  • Proof of concept to be established
  • Core partnerships have been identified and need to be secured
  • Learning Platform being developed